Sunday, September 27, 2015


It has been a joy to have Dr. Joyce on campus this week, coming alongside Emmaus by helping us through the accreditation process!
 Joyce also proved that working through this long process (after three years of work, we are within a year of finalizing) doesn't have to be painful!

Meanwhile, Phil and his team spent the week working hard on turning the old tool shed into the student life office building!
Despite a continual lack of rain, the campus is beautiful as ever, from the chapel
to the cafeteria
to the Women's Dorm.

So thankful for a beautiful campus as the first week of residential courses get under way!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Living among us...

After two excellent weeks with three excellent men, Charles Lake, David Dick and Leroy Lindsey are off again.  Our entire Emmaus staff put together has an average age of about 30, so to have some godly men living among us with far more life and ministry experience was a gift to all of us.

We are very thankful to have had all four of these men in the classroom and living life alongside of our still-growing student body these past two weeks!

Dr. David's class also spent Friday afternoon at the mosque in Cap-Haitian.  The students were well-prepared and had a great time meeting with leaders there, asking questions and learning more about Islam, especially in Haiti.  What an awesome opportunity! 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Emmaus is very thankful for the few days we had with Growth Ministries' discipleship trainers from Port-au-Prince! Lots of time was spent building new relationships in the classroom, in chapel and even at the Citadel, talking about how the Gospel can be given simply and powerfully, forming disciples throughout Haiti, together.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

the challenge

On Friday, one visiting professor for our Islam class, who happens to be the vice president at large of OMS, David Dick, spoke in chapel about why we should reach out to Muslims and unreached people.

It was a great message and had everyone truly excited about the job we have as Christ-followers in Haiti to be praying for unreached people and to be REACHING unreached people.
As EBS president Matt Ayars followed with afterwards, Cap-Haitian doesn't NEED another church.  Port-au-Prince doesn't NEED another church.  The cities need utterly transformed Christ-followers living boldly for Jesus.  But we all know there continue to be countless numbers of Haitians living in the mountains throughout Haiti who know NOTHING about our Jesus (Junior was falling out of his pew at this point amen-ing). 
It was exciting, sitting in the last row, to be a part of the equipping of almost 100 men and women who are ready and willing and going OUT...going THERE...doing THAT.  

You may not have been in the last row, dripping in sweat and listening to this powerful challenge, but as you pray, as you support a student or help us or give to the Seminary, you're a part of the equipping, too.  Grateful.

We must keep praying that the Gospel might reach the many around the world who continue to know nothing about our sweet Savior!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Intensives II

Monday kicked of Emmaus Biblical Seminary's second set of intensive courses for the fall semester.  
EBS IT man Junior is teaching Missiology to first year.  We love that he teaches this course and love hearing all the feedback.  His take on God's mission for each of us is just powerful.  

The heat in that packed out room is also powerful.  Two students had to move so that I could get in the door to take this picture...we are busting at the seams!
Dr. Leroy Lindsay is here for the seventh time, teaching the Holiness class to our third year students!

David Dick is here for the second time, teaching our Islam course to fourth year students.  They'll also be visiting the mosque in Cap-Haitian next week with David.
Charles Lake is here to teach Principles of Evangelism to our eager second year students.

So thankful for these fantastic professors and the all of the experience, expertise and Spirit that they bring.  Just eating dinner together in the evenings makes us excited for the opportunity our students have to learn alongside of these men, who are just as excited to be learning alongside of the students.